Pray for Priory
As a Church family, we can pray, we do pray, and we will continue to pray for all at Priory - the children, the animals, the adults, the parents, and their wider and extended families. Priory is a super school - we appreciate how fortunate we are to have such a great school at the heart of our parish.
As followers of Christ, we are called to shine and there are so many ways to do that. The image of a lighthouse reminds us of how far light can travel across the sea; a guiding beam for ships, warning them of potential danger. Like a beacon on a hill or a lamp up on a stand we too can be lights for the world. As light bearers we can bless our communities with what is good; sharing the truth of the gospel and living out the love of Jesus - agape love. This is especially true of our schools.
Heavenly Father, may we be light bearers for you;
coming alongside those who are living in the shadow of pain, fear, loneliness or any other trouble.
Let the beauty of Your life-giving light transform every aspect of Priory and bring joy and hope to the children, the adults and everyone else who is part of the school's community. Please send Your Holy Spirit to guide us in our prayers for them and spur us into action to bless others.
In the power of Christ.
We know that our congregation is keen to pray for Priory, but it can sometimes be hard to know what to pray for. The foundation governors will keep the congregation informed through the notices sheet about appropriate prayer points as they are pertinent, but this excellent resource from PrayforSchools.org is superbly helpful as a starting point. You may find it helpful. too.
You may also find these prayers helpful:

We give thanks for the many opportunities for learning at Priory.
We ask for your blessings on the children and their families, and the adults and their families.
We thank you that we have the responsibility and the legacy of our church school, where excellence and faith can go hand in hand, Lord.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord
Almighty God
Inspire those who exercise their vocation as teachers, support staff or volunteers at Priory.
Grant wisdom to all who are responsible for planning, teacher development and policy making.
We pray also for the work of those who plan and lead worship - we pray for their ministry.
In our wider community, we pray for our local authority and for the Diocesan Board of Education.
We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen
Thank you, Lord, for the refreshment that a weekend can bring to our colleagues at Priory.
As they gather for a new week, give them the energy to go their best, the deisre to aim high and the ability to learn from mistakes.
We pray for all - for the children, for the teachers, for the support staff and volunteers, for the parents and wider community. We ask that you care for them all. We ask this in Jesus' precious name.
Almighty God
As we celebrate all that education can offer us and all that we can bring to education, we give thanks for the role of the chuch in our schools and the contribution of Priory to the life of our church.
Help those who teach and those who learn to build on these links.
Grant wisdom to the governors of Priory and to our PCC members, to the diocesan board and to the Church of England Education Office and the DfE in sustaining and developing the educational system in all its depth and breadth.
Enable those who teach, support, administer or govern to carry out their duties with commitment and enerdy, knowing that they have the support of this congregation through our prayers and in our actions.
And in their growth of understanding and knowledge, may all children in our school community seek to love you, as you love them.
Show us, Lord, new ways of expressing and developing our church's partnership with Priory.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord.