About us
A word from our Minister, Shaun Morris
WELCOME to St Matthias. We are always pleased to see new faces, and our website is intended to give you some flavour of the people we are and the activities we do together.
We are a family of Christians that meets in Hanford, a suburb of Stoke-on-Trent. Our conviction is that the Bible is God’s word in written form, and so that when the Bible is proclaimed in the power of the Holy Spirit, we hear God’s voice. Equally we have found that we have a God who is good at listening – and so we want to be people who enjoy praying and singing God’s praise. Our great desire is to glorify God by making disciples.
Whether you are looking into Christianity for the first time, have been a Christian for years, or are new to the area and are looking for a church, you are very welcome! Come and join us!
our pastors:

The Revd Shaun Morris
The Revd Debbie Aitken